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Instructions for this page and the pages accessed from this page:

The underlined item is a link to another web site. Click on it and you will go to that linked web site. The site you arrive at will either contain the information you need, will have underlined links to other web sites that will have the information you need, or both. You must scroll down the site to see what is available.

You must read carefully what is on the pages you go to and take careful notes. If you wish to record the web address (URL) of a site you find valuable, ask Mr.Reiff to turn on the location bar. Pages can also be "bookmarked" for future reference. Again, ask Mr. Reiff for help.

You will not be allowed to print information directly from a web site. If a particular site has content that is important to you on, then do the steps above to record where the site is located, and come after school.