Newsletter 04/11/2022 Back to Contents
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The Numbers Tell The Tale.  And it's something to tell.

In business, especially sales, you learn to trust the numbers.  The raw numbers cannot lie.  If things are up, find out what was done to make them go up.  And if the numbers are headed south, it is time for a course correction.

For the time period of 03/12/2022 - 04/10/2022, there were 406 visitors worldwide to this site,
For the time period of 02/12/2022 - 03/11/2022 , there were 319 visitors worldwide to this site. 
That is a 24% increase in traffic to The Dispatches From the Front.

For the current time period, 236 of those visitors to this website were located in the US.

For the music site,, the numbers even more surprising considering the only promotion is done through my Twitter page.

For the time period of 03/12/2022 - 04/10/2022, there were 550 visitors worldwide to the site,
For the time period of 02/12/2022 - 03/11/2022 , there were 328 visitors worldwide to the site. 
That is a 40% increase in traffic to NiteBluz Music in 30 days.

For the current time period, 379 of those visitors to were located in the US.

In any type of effort, a 40% increase in market penetration in 30 days would be considered phenomenal growth.  Also, clear evidence that whatever is going on is working.  The traffic at does ebb and flow with each week's new posting.  There can be no doubt, however, that my unique approach to the week's IT news is gaining traction.  Furthemore, since I have been tracking traffic to the sites, the traffic at has been consistently and significantly growing day by day.  The only conclusion one can make is people do like the songs; but the Digital Dada artwork is pretty cool, too..

I would hate to be forced to throw all this away now that I see clear evidence of success, and also real potential for growth and monetization for both sites.  The purpose of is to sell the songs, not the singer.  The life of an upcoming musician sounds simply horrible to me, especially during an ever reoccurring pandemic.  I'm in bed by 8pm.  The diabetes meds say so.  Nevertheless, I have a second album worth of songs I would like to begin work on. 

The Dispatches From the Front should be considered valuable information for all computer users.  I am not pushing anything in particular, and my insights are based on 45 years experience in the electronics industry, and having seen this industry from the inside out and the outside in. 66-21=45.

I am asking — indeed pleading —  for at least 10 of the 550 US monthly visitors to to visit my GoFundMe page.  Please make a $10.00 contribution.  I ask the same of the 406 monthly visitors to to make a $10 dollar contribution.  I need $100 a day to survive.  That's 10 people making a $10 contribution each.

The future of these websites and content you have come to appreciate and enjoy is in the hands of the folks reading this.  I cannot do any of this if I am homeless.

Gerald Reiff

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