Newsletter 03/18/2023 Back to Contents

How to Block the AdBlocker Blockers
Welcome Back to the Department of Redundancy Department, Again.


You said you love me, but you can't come in.
You said you love me, but you can't come in.
You said you love me, but you can't come in,
Come back tomorrow night and try again
.— Keep A-Knockin', Little Richard, Composer, Richard W. Penniman

They'll probably kick me out the clubhouse and take away my Secret Decoder Ring for telling you all this, but What The Heck, here it comes.  How to bypass the AdBlocking blocker when using Google Chrome.  Microsoft Edge works in a similar way.

When surfing to certain webpages, usually associated with larger commercial entities, you may encounter a screen like the one below before the page you requested completely loads.  This example is from

Now CNBC really does wants to put your eyeballs on their pages.  So CNBC is merely suggesting that you disable the ADBlocker that is preventing All of CNBC ads from loading on the page, and this is displayed for your clicking and
dancing pleasure.  Simply click "Continue without supporting" to bypass the popup.

Most commercial websites are not that generous, however.  Most will not allow any page to load if an AdBlocker is doing its job. 

AdBlocking applications are usually a type of browser add on that detects third party ads on a website and prevents the ads on pages from loading.  We must remember that Ad Revenue is the life blood of many websites.  So I suppose this action could be considered a form of cheating.  But this is why God made the Internet.  So WE the People can see and hear other people's stuff without having to go outside and risk getting mugged or snow and rained on.  Gericus 0,0-0

Forbes is a more stuffed shirt kind of site, and those webmasters are adamant: No Ad? Well Then...  No Copy.  No Eyecandy.  No Vids. No Tunes.  NO Nothing! Capiche?  And a Forbes page will load like below when an AdBlocker is enabled:

So we need to get into the Google Settings menu, which we do by clicking the 3 dot Control in the Upper right hand corner of the browser, right under the X to Close.

Scroll down the list of tools on the menu, STOP and Mouse Over More tools.

Under More tools, Select and Click "Extensions."  And Open Sesame like you see below.

As you can see, I am not a big fan of 3rd party browser extensions, but I do use AdBlocker Plus from the Google Play Store.  I have used this AdBlocker for many years, crapware free, at least that's what all the scans say.

To unblock a site that you wish to access, load these controls while the page you want is still on your screen, popup blocker and all.

Move the slider button to the left to temporarily disable the AdBlocker.  Then go back to your page and reload that webpage.  To reload the existing page, click the semi-circle to the left on the address window.  In the illustration below, an X shows because the page has successfully loaded.

Once you have reloaded the page and accessed whatever it was you wanted, Do Not Forget to return to the Extensions Menu to again enable the AdBlocker. see slide #3.

Here is where they will really excommunicate me.  On many sites, not all, after you load the page with ads, you can go back and turn the ad blocker back on; and then reload the page.  Many pages will then load without the ads, but with the content.

Easy peasy, eh, Me Mates?

Gerald Reiff
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